Welcome to Performance Care, the blog site for Advanced Chiropractic & Rehab. We'll regularly post exercise and stretching videos. Also, please feel free to post questions/comments. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. If you'd like to be added to our newsletter letting you know when new exercises are posted, visit our website listed below. *To post a comment, click on "comments" link at the bottom of the post.

Our clinic specializes in successfully treating athletic injuries, pregnancy related pain, peripheral nerve entrapments (numbness in the extremities), jaw joint problems (TMJ), and headaches. These are also great topics for questions, in additon to those on general injuries, athletic performance enhancement, and nutritional advice.

To learn more about our clinic, please visit http://www.advancedchiropractickc.com/ .

Disclaimer: one should always consult a health professional before beginning or modifying an exercise routine. The replies posted by Dr. Iodice are meant to help readers figure out a course of action and as general advice, but it is impossible to diagnose a physical problem without a proper examination.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Psoas/Hip Flexor stretch

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that move the leg forward when running and walking. The hip flexor muscles are located in the front of your leg, above the thigh muscles, and they act to bring your leg up towards your trunk. The hip flexors are extremely important because of what can happen when they aren’t functioning normally.
Check out the following stretch for the psoas muscle (the primary hip flexor)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Treatment at ACR...FAKTR

We have an exciting new treatment being offered at ACR known as FAKTR, an acronym standing for Functional And Kinetic Treatment with Rehab.
Dr. Iodice is one of the only practitioners of any profession in the KC area who is proficient in both Active Release (ART) and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Release (commonly known as Graston).  Despite our very high success rate, we are always striving to improve our results.  Thus, the Dr is now also FAKTR certified.

The treatment involves using soft tissue release techniques, such as those mentioned above, during movements that reproduce a patient’s painful activity.  In this example, we are using a lunge on wobble boards to reproduce the forces encountered during running to treat an IT band injury. 

FAKTR treatments enable the Dr. more effectively treat complex or stubborn injuries, even those that have failed previous treatment. 

Sample conditions include: neck pain, shoulder impingement, elbow injuries, hip flexor/groin strain, hamstring pull, Achilles tendon pain.

Call our office at 913-764-2271 or email at office@advancedchiropractickc.com to experinece FAKTR for yourself!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lower Extremity Stretches

Stretching is important for maintaining flexibility, reducing muscular soreness after a hard workout, and reducing the chance of injuries in the lower extremity. Below are four stretches for the lower extremity.

The IT band and TFL is often overlooked in stretching. Tightness in this structure is often correlated with IT band syndrome (lateral knee pain).

Tight hamstrings are often correlated with lower back pain and knee pain.

Note: With this stretch, be sure to maintain an anterior pelvic tilt (e.g. sticking your bottom out).

The quadriceps muscle is often overlooked, but is actually the most commonly tight muscle of the lower extremity. This muscle is often involved in hamstring pulls, as excessive tension (meaning shortness) of this structure will overly lengthen the hamstrings, causing a strain.

The adductor stretch helps lengthen the muscles of the groin. Be sure to maintain a posterior pelvic tilt as you perform this stretch.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hamstring Stretch

Tight hamstrings can be a serious problem for both athletes and non-athletes alike. Individuals with tight hamstrings are at an increased risk for lower back pain and knee pain.

Most people who feel tightness in their hamstrings during activity actually have over stretched hamstrings and shortened hip flexors. Thus, many people actually need to stretch their hip flexors more than their hamstrings. See our archived hip flexor and quad stretches for more info.

Note: be sure to keep the back arched by sticking your butt out as you lean forward. Try stretching once how you'd usually do it, then try this tip. You'll really feel the difference.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

IT Band Stretch

The iliotibial band (IT band) is a long connective tissue structure that runs from the hip to the knee. It functions as an accessory hip flexor. It also assists the glutes in preventing the knee from crossing mid-line during heel strike and mid stance of gait.

Excessive tightness in this structure is commonly expressed as pain or tightness at the outer knee or outer-mid thigh ("IT Band Syndrome). However, the IT band is simply a connective tissue structure. The muscle that attaches to it is known as the tensor fascia latae (TFL) and is often overlooked in treatment of these conditions.

If you or someone you know is experiencing IT Band symptoms, it's important to be evaluated by someone who knows how to evaluate function as symptoms here are usually secondary to imbalances elsewhere. This video is a review of how to effectively stretch the IT band/TFL complex.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clams and Gluteus Maximus Bridge Exercises

The clam strengthens your gluteus medius and helps with hip stability.

1. Lie on your side, with your legs slightly bent at the knees with ankles, hips, and shoulders in a line. The head should rest on the down arm.
2. Your top hand is placed on your hip with thumb over the glute med.
3. Lift your knee up as if someone has tied a string to your knee and is gently pulling it straight up.
4. Lift for a 1 count and returns for a 3 count.
5. If done correctly, you should feel contraction under the thumb and nothing in the lateral leg.
6. Repeat for 30 reps/side total.

If you feel more in the lateral leg, then the knees are bent too much. It does not matter how high the leg is lifted, as long as the contraction is felt under the thumb. Things to avoid include: rocking of the pelvis backwards, the ankles coming apart, or the ankles, hips and shoulders not being in line.

The gluteus maximus bridge strengthen your gluteus muscles and core.

1. Begin by lying on your back, knees bent to 90o and arms at your side
2. Squeeze your glute muscles together. Imagine you are squeezing a coin between your checks.
3. Then lift your pelvis and back off the ground trying to solely use the glute muscles. The thighs and legs should be in a straight line.
4. Lifts for a 1 second count. This position is held for 5-10 secs. The patient then returns to the ground slowly. 5. Once the glutes touch the ground, the patient lifts again.
6. The patient should be “squeezing the coin” the entire way up, but not on the way down.
7. Repeat for 30 reps.
Things to avoid include: Extending of the low back, contraction of the hamstrings and back muscles, relaxation of the glutes while holding for 5-10 count.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that move the hip forward when running and walking. The hip flexor muscles are located in the front of your leg, above the thigh muscles, and they act to bring your leg up towards your trunk. The hip flexors are relatively small muscles yet are extremely important because of what can happen when they aren’t functioning normally.

Check out the following stretch for the psoas muscle.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Rotator Cuff Strengthening

The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that also stabilize the shoulder. These muscles and tendons connect your upper arm bone with your shoulder blade. Injury to the rotator cuff includes any type of irritation or damage to the muscles and tendons. Common causes for rotator injury may include falling, lifting, and repetitive arm activities - such as a job/hobby that requires overhead lifting, throwing a baseball, or placing items on overhead shelves.

If you've had a rotator cuff injury in the past, daily shoulder stretches and a shoulder-strengthening program can help prevent a recurrence. Most people exercise the front muscles of the chest, shoulder and upper arm, but neglect the back of the shoulder or around the shoulder blade.

The two following exercises are beneficial for strengthening the rotator cuff.

The seatbelt:

The Sword:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

One Legged Squat

One of the main benefits of squats is that it is a compound full body exercise which helps to engage and contract just about every muscle group in the body. Squats help you to fully use the most muscles per exercise. They are also useful for toning your buttocks, hips, quadriceps, and calves. They are also an excellent way to improve posture and balance. Because you need to use the proper form, concentration is key.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Foot strengthening

The foot is often neglected in work out routines. However, it plays a vital role in providing stability and balance for our entire body. Try following exercises:

The Vele/Skier exercise is designed to stabilize your foot muscles.

1. Start by standing a few inches from the wall.
2. Slowly lean towards the wall making sure to bend at the ankles and not through the back.
3. Try to touch your nose to the wall, feeling your feet muscles grip the ground (you do not need to actually touch your nose to the wall).
4. Return to neutral and repeat for 10 reps. Perform 3-4 sets per day.
5. Make sure that you are leaning forward and not bending at the waist.

The toe grip is another easy, but simple exercise designed to strengthen your foot muscles and improve balance:

1. Drop a sock on the floor and use your toes to grip and lift it off the floor.
2. Hold for 10 seconds, then release.
3. Repeat five times with each foot.

If you or any one you know is experiencing foot pain, call our office to schedule a visit. Stay active!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Balance, sometimes called proprioception, is communication between your mind and your muscles that allows the body to remain stable. Balance is an important skill for everyone, especially as we age. Injuries from falls and accidents are a significant risk for older adults. Maintaining stability throughout the course of our everyday activities is a key factor in maintaining health and wellness.