Welcome to Performance Care, the blog site for Advanced Chiropractic & Rehab. We'll regularly post exercise and stretching videos. Also, please feel free to post questions/comments. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. If you'd like to be added to our newsletter letting you know when new exercises are posted, visit our website listed below. *To post a comment, click on "comments" link at the bottom of the post.

Our clinic specializes in successfully treating athletic injuries, pregnancy related pain, peripheral nerve entrapments (numbness in the extremities), jaw joint problems (TMJ), and headaches. These are also great topics for questions, in additon to those on general injuries, athletic performance enhancement, and nutritional advice.

To learn more about our clinic, please visit http://www.advancedchiropractickc.com/ .

Disclaimer: one should always consult a health professional before beginning or modifying an exercise routine. The replies posted by Dr. Iodice are meant to help readers figure out a course of action and as general advice, but it is impossible to diagnose a physical problem without a proper examination.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Have you flossed your nerve today?

Nerve entrapments or "pinched nerves" can occur in several areas of your body. Entrapment involves pressure on the nerve where it passes through a narrow structure. Surrounding tissues such as muscles, tendons, bones, or cartilage may be responsible for the pressure. This pressure can disrupt the nerve's function, causing "sharp or burning" pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness. Common examples include sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The sites of entrapment must be determined in order to treat the entrapment successfully. Soft tissue treatments such as A.R.T. (Active Release) and Graston are very effective in releasing the nerve and allowing it to move freely by breaking up scar tissue in the affected area. Symptoms of nerve entrapments may not resolve if the source of tension is not identified and scar tissue is not broken up.

Special nerve mobilization exercises, called nerve flossing, are also very helpful in keeping the nerves moving freely without restriction. Performing certain motions/exercises will encourage normal nerve function, which results in decreased symptoms.

These exercises are designed to prevent your arm and hand symptoms.

Median Nerve Slider:

1. Start with your symptomatic wrist bent and place on your chest with your fingers pointed towards the ground.

2. Move you arm out to the side and extend your wrist, as if you were going to release a dove.

3. Watch your hand as you move it from the start position through extension and back to start.

4. Extend your wrist as far as you can.

5. Repeat 10 times, 1set every waking hour or when symptoms return.

Notes: Do not perform is shooting electrical symptoms are produced. This may cause some stretching like pain.

Radial Nerve Slider:

1. Start with your arm in front of you and bent at the elbow.

2. Straighten your elbow and move your arm behind you as if someone is going to give you a behind the back five.

3. Look at your palm.

4. Return to the start position.

5. Repeat 10 times every waking hour or when symptoms occur.

Notes: Do not perform is shooting electrical symptoms are produced. Do not over rotate the neck. This may cause some stretching like pain.

This exercise is designed to decrease foot pain.

Heel Slider:

1. Start sitting on the floor with both of your knees bent.

2. With both of your hands grab one of your feet (or a towel wrapped around the foot) and rest your forehead on your knee.

3. Start to slide your foot out, straightening your leg.

4. As you slide your foot, look up simultaneously.

5. Do not bend the leg or hip.

6. Finish by looking up at the ceiling and holding on to your foot while having the straightest leg possible.

7. Repeat 10 times each side. Repeat 3-4 times a day or as needed (can do 1x/hr).

Notes: Do not over stretch your hamstrings. Keep a hold of your foot each time.

This exercise is designed to reduce your back and leg pain (sciatica).

Slump Slider

1. Start seated with you heel off the ground.

2. Round your back and look down (i.e. slump over).

3. Simultaneously extend your symptomatic leg and straighten your back .

4. When your back is straight, move your head so that you are looking up at the ceiling.

5. Return to the starting position.

6. Repeat 10 times every waking hour or when symptoms occur.

Notes: Do not perform is shooting electrical symptoms are produced. This may cause some stretching like pain.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing symptoms of a nerve entrapment, please check out our website or contact our office for additional information.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TMJ and Relief Position Exercise

Hello, Everyone! The TMJ is the joint between your jawbone and skull. Problems in this area often manifest as pain or clicking of the jaw. The jaw can also get, "locked" in certain positions. Also, 1/3 of neck pain has TMJ as a root cause and will not be resolved without effective treatment of the jaw.

Addressing key muscle imbalances in the jaw and cervical spine (neck area), along with patient education, are keys to treating this condition. Treatments include myofascial release of the muscles through A.R.T (active release technique) or Graston (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization), and rehabilitative exercises. Some cases may require being fitted by a dentist for bite guard, or other interventions.

TMJ Relief Position Exercise:

.1. Place stickers on the objects that you see and use the most. (computer, TV remote, cell phone, etc.)

2. Remember that stickers are a reminder to use relax position.

3. Close mouth, teeth slightly apart, and tongue in the roof of your mouth.

4. Perform as much as possible, every day.

· Awareness that you are clinching is very important.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Repetitive Motion Injury

Repetitive motion injuries are one of the most common work-related injuries. Computer work is most often to blame as the constant, small motions keep muscles tight for prolonged amounts f time. The following stretches are designed to decrease risk of these injuries.

I recommend the following stretches to be performed 10 seconds per stretch per side (40seconds total) twice per hour. Example: Perform the forearm flexors at the 15 minute and 45 minute mark of each hour.

Forearm flexors: Stand upright, sternum up slightly. Bend the elbow at 90 degrees, palm facing up. Grasp below the wrist with opposite hand. Gently bend as you extend the elbow.Keep palm facing directly away. Hold 10 seconds per side.

Forearm extensors: Stand upright, sternum up slightly. Bend the elbow at 90 degrees, let wrist hang with palm face down. Grasp below the wrist with opposite hand. Lightly bend wrist as you extend the elbow. Gently curl the fingers. Hold 10 seconds per side.

If any of these stretches or exercises cause pain in your wrist, consult your chiropractor or healthcare professional for advice. Stay active!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Soft Tissue Release

Today’s topic is scar tissue, how it forms and ways to treat it. When muscles (or other soft tissues) are over-stressed or injured, our bodies use scar tissue as a patch repair. This is a natural part of the healing process. However, if the source of the injury in not corrected, the tissue will accumulate too much scar tissue, which then becomes a problem. Symptoms may not resolve if the scar tissue is not broken up and the source of tension discovered.

People are often surprised to learn that many of the conditions that produce pain or limit performance are related to scar tissue. We often use a work-out related analogy. You've likely worked out hard enough to get sore before. Well, you damaged your muscles during the workout. You then likely allowed enough of a rest period so that the muscles healed and got stronger. However, if incorrect form/posture was involved or you have a severe injury, your body will heal with scar tissue instead.

Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) and Graston (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization) are two soft tissue releases offered at ACR.

Active Release is the gold standard of soft tissue care. It is not a massage but instead works out the scar tissue and helps the tissues to heal normally with long-lasting results.

Graston uses instruments rubbed over the skin to break up scar tissue and create permanent changes. It works well for "shin splints" or tendonopathies.

If you have any questions, please contact our office! We are here to help. Have a great weekend!